Paul & Susan Looney
Legacy Endowment Fund

Launched in 2017, our endowment campaign seeks to raise $1,000,000 to provide the financial strength and endurance needed to ensure that the vision and legacy created by our Artistic Director Emeritus, Paul Looney, will continue far into the future.

Paul and Susan Looney have dedicated their lives to creating a strong, high-quality, community theatre for the people of West Alabama. Through their efforts, the Tuscaloosa Community Players evolved from a small, grassroots organization into a strong, flourishing non-profit theatre company that serves as one of the pillars of the Tuscaloosa arts scene.
Theatre Tuscaloosa not only improves the quality of life for our community, it provides economic impact to the region through its own productions. Further, Theatre Tuscaloosa stimulates and nurtures the rest of the arts community through its partnership with and support of other artists and arts organizations in the region. Paul and Susan’s legacy will be preserved and protected for generations to come through the establishment of this endowment in their honor.

The Paul and Susan Looney Legacy Endowment shall provide financial strength to support the artistic mission of Theatre Tuscaloosa now and for generations to come.
While corporate sponsors, foundations, and governmental support come and go, the enduring income provided by the endowment will serve as a reliable source of inspiration and preservation for Theatre Tuscaloosa’s continued growth, benefitting theatre artists and audiences in perpetuity.

The goal of the campaign is to raise $1,000,000 to serve as the capital investment in the endowment fund.
The endowment's principle will generate investment income that will serve to strengthen and support Theatre Tuscaloosa's artistic endeavors.

How it Works
We have set up a partnership with the Community Foundation of West Alabama, wherein the endowment is set up as an agency account.
All funds we receive for the endowment are transfered to the agency account at the CFWA and become part of the principal investment. After the principal reaches the $1M goal, the interest generated will provide annual support for Theatre Tuscaloosa's mission and activities. The Board of Directors has established strict guidelines to protect the endowment funds and ensure they are used as intended. Click here to download and read the board's Endowment Use Policy.

The Giving Tree

A bronze tree resembling the oak in our logo, which was designed by Paul Looney, will become a permanent fixture in the lobby of the Bean-Brown Theatre. Each donor who gives at the Inspiration level or higher will be recognized on the tree as noted below.
Foundation & Corporate Giving Levels
Achievement - $100,000 - Gold Dove
Ascension - $75,000 - Silver Dove
Aspiration - $50,000 - Bronze Dove
Individual Giving Levels
Endurance - $25,000 - Gold Acorn
Strength - $10,000 - Silver Acorn
Growth - $5,000 - Gold Leaf
Preservation - $2,500 - Silver Leaf
Inspiration - $1,500 - Bronze Leaf
Make a Pledge - It's Easy!
You may pledge your financial support to the endowment in a variety of convenient ways. You may give your entire gift now, you may pledge over time (for example, pledge to give $1,000 per year over the next five years), or you can make a planned gift such as stock, making the theatre the beneficiary of an insurance policy, setting up a charitable remainder trust, or making a bequest to the theatre through your estate. If you already oversee an account with the Community Foundation of West Alabama, your gift can even be transfered directly into our endowment account. We are happy to work with you to receive your support in whatever format works best for you!
Examples of Making Gifts Over 5 Years
You can make a BIG impact on our endowment with a small monthly gift pledged over time. Here's how our giving levels break down with a monthly or yearly pledge made over 5 years: