
Home > Support > Sponsorships
As always, we are humbled and grateful for the support given to us by our individual donors. Your gift, no matter how big or small, helps us continue the tradition and is an investment in the future of our community.
Here are our contribution levels and the benefits of giving at each. Please note that you don't have to give every year - one-time gifts of any amount are always welcome!

2024-25 Individual Sponsorships:
Annual Giving Levels & Benefits
NEW! Super Star - $10,000+
Signature Season Sponsor (listed on all publicity for every production)
Twenty (20) Flex Passes Redeemable in Any Order/Combination to Any 2024-25 Event
Two guest passes to any production of the season
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
​NEW! Diva - $5,000+
Signature Sponsor of two mainstage productions (listed on all publicity)
Twenty (20) Flex Passes Redeemable in Any Order/Combination to Any 2024-25 Event
Two guest passes to any production of the season
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
​NEW! Executive Producer - $2,500+
Signature Sponsor of one mainstage production (listed on all publicity)
Twenty (20) Flex Passes Redeemable in Any Order/Combination to Any 2024-25 Event
Two guest passes to any production of the season
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
​​​Producer's Circle - $1,000+
Twenty (20) Flex Passes Redeemable in Any Order/Combination to Any 2024-25 Event
Two guest passes to any production of the season
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
Director's Circle - $500+
Ten (10) Flex Passes Redeemable in Any Order/Combination to Any 2024-25 Event
Two guest passes to any production of the season
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
Designer's Circle - $250+
Two guest passes to any production of the season
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
Stars - $100+
Exclusive Access to Donor Pre-Sale 1 Week Prior to Each 2024-25 Event On-Sale Date
25% Discount on All 2024-25 Event Tickets
Admittance to the Marquee Room**
Recognition in all production programs
Ensemble - $25+
Recognition in all production programs
Recognition in our program
**The MARQUEE ROOM will only be open during performances held in the Bean-Brown Theatre during the opening weekend of each mainstage show. It is open before performances and at intermission. Occasionally the marquee room will be used for private receptions, but contributors will be admitted to those, too. The Marquee Room features complimentary beverages and hors d’ oeuvres, and it's the perfect place to mingle and relax at the theatre.

Corporate Sponsorships
Theatre Tuscaloosa has a strong brand in our community, and you can associate your company with ours by sponsoring a show or the entire season! Click here to download our corporate sponsorship brochure, or read on for more details. To see our current sponsors, click here.
Benefits Include:
Strategic inclusion of your company logo/name as follows:
Corporate Sponsor Lobby Board
Theatre Tuscaloosa Website with Link on Corporate Sponsor webpage (~2,400 visits/month)
Sponsor Page on ALL Mainstage Playbills
Announced in Curtain Speeches of ALL Mainstage Productions
Email blasts for ALL Mainstage Productions (~7,000 Subscribers)
Sponsor Thank You page in following season's brochure (~10,000)
ALL Mainstage production posters (~300/play) and postcards (~8,000/play) - Top Placement Next to Theatre Tuscaloosa Logo
Cover of ALL Mainstage Playbills and co-producer billing on the title page of playbills
Electronic billboards of ALL Mainstage Plays
Full page, color advertisement in ALL Mainstage Playbills
Direct Access to Audience Services Manager in Accessing Ticket Benefits:
24 VIP Season Subscriptions (120 tickets)
Unlimited Additional Single Tickets at the Group Rate With NO Minimum Purchase
Marquee Room Access at ALL Mainstage Productions*
Backstage Tour for a Group of 10 to ALL Mainstage Plays
Sponsor Night Reception in Wilson-Carr Rehearsal Hall at 1 Play
Exclusivity: Limit of 1 Co-Producer's Spotlight Sponsor Per Season
* Marquee Room privileges include pre-show and intermission drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and any other special receptions. The Marquee Room is only offered on opening weekends.
Benefits Include:
Strategic inclusion of your company logo/name as follows:
Corporate Sponsor Lobby Board
Theatre Tuscaloosa Website with Link on Corporate Sponsor webpage (~2,400 visits/month)
Sponsor Page of ALL Mainstage Playbills
Announced in Curtain Speeches of 1 Production of Your Choice
Email blasts for 1 Production (~7,000 Subscribers)
Sponsor Thank You Page in following season's brochure
Posters (~300/play) and postcards (~8,000/play) for 1 Production - Sponsor Area
1/2 page, color advertisement in 1 Playbill
Direct Access to Audience Services Manager in Accessing Ticket Benefits:
6 VIP Season Subscriptions (30 tickets)
4 Additional Single Tickets to Sponsored Production
Unlimited Additional Single Tickets at the Group Rate With NO Minimum Purchase to Sponsored Proudction
Marquee Room Access at 1 Production*
Exclusivity: Limit of 2 Partner's Spotlight Sponsors Per Production
* Marquee Room privileges include pre-show and intermission drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and any other special receptions. The Marquee Room is only offered on opening weekends.
Benefits Include:
Strategic inclusion of your company logo/name as follows:
Corporate Sponsor Lobby Board
Theatre Tuscaloosa Website with Link on Corporate Sponsor webpage (~2,400 visits/month)
Sponsor Page of ALL Mainstage Playbills
Announced in Curtain Speeches of ALL Mainstage Productions
Email blasts for ALL Mainstage Productions (~7,000 Subscribers)
Sponsor Thank You page in following season's brochure
ALL mainstage production posters (~300/play) and postcards (~8,000/play) - 1 Play Above Title & 4 Productions in Sponsor Area
1/2 page, color advertisement in ALL Mainstage Playbills
Direct Access to Audience Services Manager in Accessing Ticket Benefits:
16 VIP Season Subscriptions (80 tickets)
10 Additional Single Tickets to Sponsored Production
Unlimited Additional Single Tickets at the Group Rate With NO Minimum Purchase
Marquee Room Access at ALL Mainstage Plays*
Backstage Tour for a Group of 10 to 1 Play
Exclusivity: Limit of 2 Presenter's Spotlight Sponsors Per Season
* Marquee Room privileges include pre-show and intermission drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and any other special receptions. The Marquee Room is only offered on opening weekends.
The Play It Forward corporate sponsorship was originally developed by Theatre Tuscaloosa in response to the April 27th Tornado as a way for those affected by the tornado to see shows for free. Now, this program continues to provide complimentary tickets to those in need. Play It Forward sponsors choose one play to sponsor, and their $1,500 gift makes it possible for Theatre Tuscaloosa to donate a block of up to 75 tickets to a group based on financial need or meritorious service to our community. The recipient group will be selected in consultation with the sponsoring corporation.
Benefits Include:
Strategic inclusion of your company logo/name billed as "Play It Forward" sponsor as follows:
Corporate Sponsor Lobby Board
Theatre Tuscaloosa Website with Link on Corporate Sponsor webpage (~2,400 visits/month)
Sponsor Page of ALL Mainstage Playbills
Announced in Curtain Speeches of 1 Production of Your Choice
Email blasts for 1 Production (~7,000 Subscribers)
Sponsor Thank You page in following season's brochure
Posters (~300/play) and postcards (~8,000/play) for 1 Production - Sponsor Area
Direct Access to Audience Services Manager in Accessing Ticket Benefits:
2 VIP Season Subscriptions (10 tickets)
2 Additional Single Tickets to Sponsored Production
Marquee Room Access at 1 Production*
Exclusivity: Limit of 1 Play-It-Forward Sponsor Per Production
* Marquee Room privileges include pre-show and intermission drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and any other special receptions. The Marquee Room is only offered on opening weekends.
Benefits Include:
Strategic inclusion of your company logo/name as follows:
Corporate Sponsor Lobby Board
Theatre Tuscaloosa Website with Link on Corporate Sponsor webpage (~2,400 visits/month)
Sponsor Page of ALL Mainstage Playbills
Announced in Curtain Speeches of 1 Production of Your Choice
Email blasts for 1 Production (~7,000 Subscribers)
Sponsor Thank You page in following season's brochure
Posters (~300/play) and postcards (~8,000/play) for 1 Production - Above Title
Full page, color advertisement in 1 Playbill
Direct Access to Audience Services Manager in Accessing Ticket Benefits:
10 VIP Season Subscriptions (50 tickets)
10 Additional Single Tickets to Sponsored Production
Unlimited Additional Single Tickets at the Group Rate With NO Minimum Purchase to Sponsored Production
Marquee Room Access at 1 Production*
Backstage Tour for a Group of 10 to 1 Production
Exclusivity: Limit of 2 Performer's Spotlight Sponsors Per Production
* Marquee Room privileges include pre-show and intermission drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and any other special receptions. The Marquee Room is only offered on opening weekends.
The Promoter in the Spotlight is an entry-level, individual show sponsorship that allows corporations to promote their commitment to supporting the arts in Tuscaloosa while also promoting their services and products to our audiences.
Benefits Include:
Strategic inclusion of your company logo/name as follows:
Corporate Sponsor Lobby Board (season)
Theatre Tuscaloosa Website with Link on Corporate Sponsor webpage (~2,400 visits/month) (current season)
Sponsor Page of ALL Mainstage Playbills (current season)
Announced in Curtain Speeches of 1 Production of Your Choice
Email blasts for 1 Production (~7,000 Subscribers)
Sponsor Thank You page in the following season's brochure
Posters (~300/play) and postcards (~8,000/play) for 1 Production - Sponsor Area
1/4 Page Advertisement in ALL mainstage playbills (current season)
Direct Access to Audience Services Manager in Accessing Ticket Benefits:
12 Flex Vouchers (redeemable in any order and combination for any current season production)
Marquee Room Access at 1 Production*
Exclusivity: Limit of 1 Promoter in the Spotlight Sponsor Per Production
* Marquee Room privileges include pre-show and intermission drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and any other special receptions. The Marquee Room is only offered on opening weekends.